Author: dragonmom

  • The Legacy of Religious Trauma

    We live in a world where as long as religion has existed, people in power have sought to control religion to use it as a method of oppression and control. Religion itself is not the cause, but its misuse is. In no religion is this more true than in Christianity, a religion tailor-made to oppress…

  • The Pillars of Hellenismos

    Hellenic scholar Timothy Jay Alexander describes seven philosophical and religious pillars of Hellenismos for Hellenes to aspire to and use as a guide. His pillars are as follows: Elani Temperance of Baring The Aegis instead identifies four pillars, but covering very similar principles: I embrace the same concepts, but describe them through my own set…

  • Candlemaking

    Gathering Materials Wax melting pot I have recently acquired an electric wax melter pot. Previously I used a double boiler pot over a regular cooking pot on the stove. Wax I try my best to reuse wax. I save the ends of spent candles and scrape them into glass jars. If you’re going to try…

  • Defixiones


    One English translation of defixio (plural: defixiones) is ‘curse tablet,’ though they are not necessarily used only for harmful magic. This common name comes to us by way of French from the Latin ‘defixionis,’ but the practice itself originates in Ancient Greece, where the term is katadesmos (κατάδεσμος). Both words describe a ‘binding.’ At core,…

  • The Wiccan Rede

    The Wiccan Rede is a twenty-six line poem written in 1964 by Doreen Valiente, a witch who studied under Gerald Gardner, and succeeded him as de facto leader of the Gardnerian Wiccan tradition. The rede serves as instruction on Wiccan orthopraxy. The final couplet of the rede is often referenced on its own, and is…

  • On Shadow Work

    What is Shadow Work? What we call Shadow work can be one of the more difficult practices of living a spiritual life. The term has its roots in Jungian psychology. Carl Jung identified the Shadow as one of the archetypes of human personality. We each have a Shadow, and the more we deny its existence,…

  • Manifesto of A Queer Witch

    Author Cassandra Snow in her book “Queering Your Craft” wrote a ‘queer witch manifesto’ and recommended that her readers take inspiration from it to make their own. The following is mine, inspired by her work. There are infinite genders, sexualities, and identities. All deserve space to exist, and our respect. Each one brings their own…

  • The How and Why of Otherkin

    It is often said that if you ask ten people what otherkin means, you’ll get twelve answers. I cannot claim that mine is The One True Way™ but it is how I understand myself and the world.  Some otherkin choose to explain their identity as psychological rather than spiritual, but my personal understanding is intimately…

  • Otherkin and Taboo Topics

    At OtherCon 2022 and The Draconic Summit 2022, various panels shared a common theme of discussing the lack of reliable writings about the otherkin community, and particularly about personal and taboo subjects, such as nonhuman instincts. Page Shepard conducted a survey on “abnormal instincts” and provided a presentation on the results during the con. A…